C49. C Structures, Unions, and Enumerations

Structures, Unions, and Enumerations
A structure is a collection of values (members), possibly of different types. A union is similar to a structure, except that its members share the same storage; as a result, a union can store one member at a time, but not all members simultaneously. An enumeration is an integer type whose values are named by the programmer.

Structure Variables
The only data structure we've covered so far is the array. Arrays have two impor­tant properties. First, all elements of an array have the same type. Second, to select an array element, we specify its position (as an integer subscript).
The properties of a structure are quite different from those of an array. The elements of a structure (its members, in C parlance) aren't required to have the same type. Furthermore, the members of a structure have names; to select a partic­ular member, we specify its name, not its position.
Structures may sound familiar, since most programming languages provide a similar feature. In some languages, structures are called records, and members arc known as fields.

Declaring Structure Variables
When we need to store a collection of related data items, a structure is a logical choice. For example, suppose that we need to keep track of parts in a warehouse. The information that we'll need to store for each part might include a part number (an integer), a part name (a string of characters), and the number of parts on hand (an integer). To create variables that can store all three items of data, we might use a declaration such as the following:
struct {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+1]; int on_hand; } parti, part2;
Each structure variable has three members: number (the part number), name (the name of the part), and on_hand (the quantity on hand). Notice that this declara­tion has the same form as other variable declarations in C: struct { ... } specifies a type, while parti and part2 are variables of that type.
The members of a structure are stored in memory in the order in which they're declared. In order to show what the parti variable looks like in memory, let's assume that (I) parti is located at address 2000. (2) integers occupy four bytes, (3) NAME_LEN has the value 25, and (4) there are no gaps between the members.

Operations on Structures
Since the most common array operation is subscripting selecting an element by position it's not surprising that the most common operation on a structure is selecting one of its members. Structure members are accessed by name, though, not by position.
To access a member within a structure, we write the name of the structure first. then a period, then the name of the member. For example, the following statements will display the values of parti's members:
printf("Part number: %d\n", part1.number);
printf("Part name: %s\n”, part1.name);
printf("Quantity on hand: %d\n", part1.on_hand);
The members of a structure are lvalues, so they can appear on the left side of an assignment or as the operand in an increment or decrement expression.

Structure Types
Although the previous section showed how to declare structure variables, it failed to discuss an important issue: naming structure types. Suppose that a program needs to declare several structure variables with identical members. If all the vari­ables can be declared at one time, there's no problem. But if we need to declare the variables at different points in the program, then life becomes more difficult. If we write
struct {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+1]; int on_hand; } part1;
in one place and
struct {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+1]; int on_hand; } part2;
in another, we'll quickly run into problems. Repeating the structure information will bloat the program. Changing the program later will be risky, since we can't easily guarantee that the declarations will remain consistent.
But those aren't the biggest problems. According to the rules of C. part1 and part2 don't have compatible types. As a result, part1 can't be assigned to part2. and vice versa. Also, since we don't have a name for the type of part1 or part2, we can't use them as arguments in function calls.
To avoid these difficulties, we need to be able to define a name that represents a type of structure, not a particular structure variable. As it turns out. C provides two ways to name structures: we can either declare a "structure tag" or use typedef to define a type name.

Declaring a Structure Tag
A structure tag is a name used to identify a particular kind of structure. The fol­lowing example declares a structure tag named part:
struct part {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+1];
int on_hand;
Notice the semicolon that follows the right brace it must be present to terminate the declaration.

Defining a Structure Type
As an alternative to declaring a structure tag, we can use typedef to define a genuine type name. For example, we could define a type named Part in the fol­lowing way:
typedef struct { int number;char name[NAME_LEN+1]; int on_hand; } Part;;
Note that the name of the type. Part, must come at the end, not after the word struct.
We can use Part in the same way as the built-in types. For example, we might use it to declare variables:
Part part1, part2;
Since Part is a typedef name, we're not allowed to write struct Part. All Part variables, regardless of where they're declared, are compatible.
When it comes time to name a structure, we can usually choose either to declare a structure tag or to use typedef. However, as we'll see later, declaring a structure tag is mandatory when the structure is to be used in a linked list.

Arrays of Structures
One of the most common combinations of arrays and structures is an array whose elements are structures. An array of this kind can serve as a simple database. For example, the following array of part structures is capable of storing information about 100 parts:
struct part inventory[100];

A union, like a structure, consists of one or more members, possibly of different types. However, the compiler allocates only enough space for the largest of the members, which overlay each other within this space. As a result, assigning a new value to one member alters the values of the other members as well.
To illustrate the basic properties of unions, let's declare a union variable, u. with two members:
union { int i; double d;} u;
Notice how the declaration of a union closely resembles a structure declaration:
struct { int i ; double d; } s;
In fact, the structure s and the union u differ in just one way: the members of s are stored at different addresses in memory, while the members of u are stored at the same address. Here's what s and u will look like in memory (assuming that int values require four bytes and double values lake eight bytes).
In many programs, we'll need variables that have only a small set of meaningful values. A Boolean variable, for example, should have only two possible values: "true" and "false." A variable that stores the suit of a playing card should have only four potential values: "clubs," "diamonds," "hearts," and "spades." The obvious way to deal with such a variable is to declare it as an integer and have a set of codes that represent the possible values of the variable:
int s; /* s will store a suit */
s = 2; /* 2 represents "hearts" */
Although this technique works, it leaves much to be desired. Someone reading the program can't tell that s has only four possible values, and the significance of 2 isn't immediately apparent.

Dynamic Storage Allocation
C's data structures are normally fixed in size. For example, the number of elements in an array is fixed once the program has been compiled. (In C99, the length of a variable-length array is determined at run lime, but it remains fixed for the rest of the array's lifetime.) Fixed-size data structures can be a problem, since we're forced to choose their sizes when writing a program: we can't change the sizes without modifying the program and compiling it again.

Consider the inventory program  which allows the user to add parts to a database. The database is stored in an array of length 100. To en­large the capacity of the database, we can increase the size of the array and recom­pile the program. But no matter how large we make the array, there's always the possibility that it will fill up. Fortunately, all is not lost. C supports dynamic stor­age allocation: the ability to allocate storage during program execution. Using dy­namic storage allocation, we can design data structures that grow (and shrink) as needed.
Although it's available for all types of data, dynamic storage allocation is used most often for strings, arrays, and structures. Dynamically allocated structures are of particular interest, since we can link them together to form lists, trees, and other data structures.

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