C39. C Arrays brief


So far. The only variables we ve seen are scalar: capable of holding a single data item. C also supports aggregate variables, which can store collections of values. There are two kinds of aggregates in C: arrays and structures.

One-Dimensional Arrays
An array is a data structure containing a number of data values, all of which have the same type. These values, known as elements. can be individually selected by their position within the array.
The simplest kind of array has just one dimension. The elements of a one- dimensional array are conceptually arranged one after another in a single row (or column, if you prefer). Here's how we might visualize a one-dimensional array named a:

To declare an array, we must specify the type of the array's elements and the number of elements. For example, to declare that the array a has 10 elements of type int. we would write
int a [10];
The elements of an array may be of any type; the length of the array can be speci­fied by any (integer) constant expression. Since array lengths may need to be adjusted when the program is later changed, using a macro to define the length of an array is an excellent practice:
#define N 10
int a [N] ;
Array Subscripting
To access a particular element of an array, we write the array name followed by an integer value in square brackets (this is referred to as subscripting or indexing the array). Array elements are always numbered starting from 0, so the elements of an array of length n are indexed from 0 to n - i. For example, if a is an array with 10
elements, they're designated by a [0]. a [1] a [9], as the following figure
a[0] a[l] a[2] a[3J al4] a[5] a[6] a[7] a[8] a[9]
Expressions of the form a [ i] are lvalues, so they can be used in the same way as ordinary variables:
a[0] = 1;
printf ("%d\n", a [5]),- ++a[i] ;
In general, if an array contains elements of type T. then each element of the array is treated as if it were a variable of type T. In this example, the elements a [0], a [5]. and a [i] behave like int variables.
Arrays and for loops go hand-in-hand. Many programs contain for loops whose job is to perform some operation on every element in an array.
Array Initialization
An array, like any other variable, can be given an initial value at the time it's declared. The rules are somewhat tricky, though, so we'll cover some of them now and save others until later.
The most common form of array initializer is a list of constant expressions enclosed in braces and separated by commas:
int a[10] = {l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

Designated Initializers
It's often the case that relatively few elements of an array need to be initialized explicitly; the other elements can be given default values. Consider the following example:
int a [15] = {0, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48};
We want element 2 of the array to be 29, element 9 to be 7, and element 14 to be 48, but the other values are just zero. For a large array, writing an initializer in this fashion is tedious and error-prone (what if there were 200 zeros between two of the nonzero values?).
C99's designated initializers can be used to solve this problem. Here's how we could redo the previous example using a designated initializer:
int a [15] = { [2] = 29, [9] = 7, [14] = 48};
Each number in brackets is said to be a designator.
Besides being shorter and easier to read (at least for some arrays), designated initializers have another advantage: the order in which the elements are listed no longer matters. Thus, our previous example could also be written in the following way:
int a [15] = {[14] = 48, [9] = 7, [2] = 29};
Designators must be integer constant expressions. If the array being initialized has length n, each designator must be between 0 and n- I. However, if the length of the array is omitted, a designator can be any nonnegative integer. In the latter case, the compiler will deduce the length of the array from the largest designator.

Using the sizeof Operator with Arrays
The sizeof operator can determine the size of an array (in bytes). If a is an array of 10 integers, then sizeof (a) is typically 40 (assuming that each integer requires four bytes).
We can also use sizeof to measure the size of an array element, such as a [0]. Dividing the array size by the element size gives the length of the array:
sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]).

Multidimensional Arrays
An array may have any number of dimensions. For example, the following declara­tion creates a two-dimensional array (a matrix, in mathematical terminology):
int m[5] [9] ;
The array m has 5 rows and 9 columns. Both rows and columns are indexed.
Multidimensional arrays play a lesser role in C than in many other program­ming languages, primarily because C provides a more flexible way to store multi­dimensional data: arrays of pointers.

Constant Arrays
Any array, whether one-dimensional or multidimensional, can be made "constant" by starting its declaration with the word const:
const char hex_chars[] ={'0', ‘1', ‘2’, '3', '4', '5', ‘6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', ' E' , 'F'};
An array that's been declared const should not be modified by the program: the compiler will detect direct attempts to modify an element.
Declaring an array to be const has a couple of primary advantages. It docu­ments that the program won't change the array, which can be valuable information for someone reading the code later. It also helps the compiler catch errors, by informing it that we don't intend to modify the array.
const isn't limited to arrays; it works with any variable, as we'll see later. However, const is particularly useful in array declarations, because arrays may contain reference information that won't change during program execution.

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