C29. C if, else, Cascaded If

The if Statement
The if statement allows a program to choose between two alternatives by testing the value of an expression. In its simplest form, the if statement has the form
if ( expression ) statement
Notice that the parentheses around the expression are mandatory; they're part of the if statement, not part of the expression. Also note that the word then doesn't come after the parentheses, as it would in some programming languages.

When an if statement is executed, the expression in the parentheses is evalu­ated; if the value of the expression is nonzero—which C interprets as true—the statement after the parentheses is executed. Here's an example:
if (line_num == MAX LINES) line_num = 0;
The statement line_num =0; is executed if the condition line_num == MAX LINES is true (has a nonzero value).

The else Clause
An if statement may have an else clause:
if ( expression ) statement else statement
The statement that follows the word else is executed if the expression in paren­theses has the value 0.
Here's an example of an if statement with an else clause:
if (i > j)
max = i; else
max = j ;
Notice that both “inner” statements end with a semicolon.
When an if statement contains an else clause, a layout issue arises: where should the else be placed? Many C programmers align it with the if at the beginning of the statement, as in the previous example. The inner statements are usually indented, but if they're short they can be put on the same line as the if and else:
if (i > j) max = i; else max = j;

There are no restrictions on what kind of statements can appear inside an if statement. In fact, it's not unusual for if statements to be nested inside other if statements. Consider the following if statement, which finds the largest of the numbers stored in i. j, and k and stores that value in max:
if (i > j) if (i > k) max = i; else
  max = k;
  if (j > k) max = j; else
  max = k;
if statements can be nested to any depth. Notice how aligning each else with the matching if makes the nesting easier to see. If you still find the nesting confusing, don't hesitate to add braces:
if (i > j)
 { if (i > k) max = i; else
max = k;
 if (j > k) max = j;
max = k;
Adding braces to statements—even when they're not necessary—is like using parentheses in expressions: both techniques help make a program more readable while at the same time avoiding the possibility that the compiler won't understand the program the way we thought it did.
Some programmers use as many braces as possible inside if statements (and iteration statements as well). A programmer who adopts this convention would include a pair of braces for every if clause and every else clause:
if (i > j) { if (i > k) {
  max = i; } else { max = k;
} else
if (j > k)
max = j;
} else
 { max = k;

Using braces even when they're not required has two advantages. First, the pro­gram becomes easier to modify, because more statements can easily be added to any if or else clause. Second, it helps avoid errors that can result from forget­ting to use braces when adding statements to an if or else clause.
Cascaded i f Statements
We'll often need to test a series of conditions, stopping as soon as one of them is true. A “cascaded” if statement is often the best way to write such a series of tests. For example, the following cascaded if statement tests whether n is less than 0, equal to 0, or greater than 0:
if (n < 0)
printf(“n is less than 0\n”); else
if (n == 0)
printf(“n is equal to 0\n”),- else
printf(“'n is greater than 0\n”);
Although the second if statement is nested inside the first, C programmers don't usually indent it. Instead, they align each else with the original if:
if (n < 0)
printf(“n is less than 0\n”); else if (n == 0)
printf(“n is equal to 0\n”); else
printf(“'n is greater than 0\n”);
This arrangement gives the cascaded if a distinctive appearance:
if ( expression )
statement else if ( expression ) statement
else if ( expression )
statement else

The last two lines (else statement) aren't always present, of course. This way of indenting the cascaded if statement avoids the problem of excessive indentation when the number of tests is large. Moreover, it assures the reader that the statement is nothing more than a series of tests.
Keep in mind that a cascaded if statement isn't some new kind of statement; it's just an ordinary if statement that happens to have another if statement as its else clause (and that if statement has another if statement as its else clause, ad infinitum).

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