C48. C #include Directive

The #include Directive
The #include directive has two primary forms. The first form is used for header files that belong to C's own library:
The second form is used for all other header files, including any that we write:
#include "filename"

The difference between the two is a subtle one having to do with how the com­piler locates the header file. Here are the rules that most compilers follow:#include : Search the directory (or directories) in which system header files reside. (On UNIX systems, for example, system header files are usually kept in the directory /usr/include.)
#include "filename": Search the current directory, then search the direc­tory (or directories) in which system header files reside.
The places to be searched for header files can usually be altered, often by a com­mand-line option such as -I path.

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